domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016

My toddler world :-)

Hail to Britannia, God save the king
These times be good times, else we would not sing.
Hokey Pokey, penny a loaf, taste before you buy
Singing "Oh, what a merry land is England"

Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow
Singing, Oh what a merry land is England!
And everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go
Singing, Oh what a merry land is England!

Hail to Britannia, God save the king
These times be good times, else we would not sing.
Hokey Pokey, penny a loaf, taste before you buy
Singing "Oh, what a merry land is England"

Little Jack Horner sat in a corner,
Eating his Christmas pie,
Singing "Oh, what a merry land is England"
He stuck in his thumb and he pulled out a plum
And said "Oh what a good boy am I"
Singing "Oh, what a merry land is England"

Hail to Britannia, God save the king
These times be good times, else we would not sing.
Hokey Pokey, penny a loaf, taste before you buy
Singing "Oh, what a merry land is England"

Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye.
Singing "Oh, what a merry land is England"
Twenty four blackbirds baked in a pie.
Singing "Oh, what a merry land is England"

Hail to Britannia, God save the king
These times be good times, else we would not sing.
Hokey Pokey, penny a loaf, taste before you buy
Singing "Oh, what a merry land is England".

Sung by Bram Morrison

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