domingo, 27 de agosto de 2023


Sólo hay una pregunta interesante en filosofía, ¿qué significa vivir una vida finita y frágil en un universo infinito y eterno? 

Creo que la respuesta es que, paradójicamente, aunque somos físicamente insignificantes, respondemos al patrón que puede pensar. 

La Tierra es un planeta alrededor de una estrella entre 400.000 millones de estrellas en una galaxia entre 2 billones de galaxias en una pequeña porción del universo. Así que definitivamente somos pequeños, no somos más que motas de polvo. Pero si piensas en lo que somos, conjuntos de átomos, algunos de ellos tan antiguos como el tiempo y los otros, todo lo demás, aparte del hidrógeno de nuestros cuerpos, se creó en las estrellas. Todo cocinado a lo largo de miles de millones de años.

Así que como dijo Carl Sagan, tienes un medio por el que el universo se entiende y se explora a sí mismo, que somos nosotros.

domingo, 9 de julio de 2023

What a perfect living being would be?

The creation of a perfect living being is a theoretical and speculative concept that poses complex philosophical and ethical questions, while also being a challenging and interesting imaginative exercise. The characteristics that form a hypothetical portrait of a perfect living being, based on a subjective interpretation and with a human-centric focus, can vary according to individual perspectives and values, but, in general terms, they could be reduced to a common lowest denominator.

ChatGPT 4.0 has addressed this and below I present a list of the characteristics that such a being might possess, according to the most advanced public model by now from OpenAI:


  • Biological immortality: They would be incapable of ageing or dying due to natural causes. Their organisms would not experience the biological deterioration associated with ageing, which would provide them with perpetual life without the need to face death from illness or old age.
  • Advanced regeneration: The ability to regenerate tissues and organs quickly and efficiently. They could heal rapidly from severe wounds, regenerate damaged organs, and recover from illnesses at an accelerated rate.
  • Disease resistance: They would possess an exceptionally strong immune system, capable of resisting and combating diseases effectively. They would be highly resistant to infections and diseases, which would provide them with optimal health throughout their life.

Cognitive abilities:

  • Superhuman intelligence: An extraordinary intellect capable of processing and understanding information at a speed and depth greater than the human capacities known to date, which would allow them to analyse complex problems and find innovative solutions.
  • Perfect memory: They would possess a perfect memory, being able to recall and retrieve information accurately and completely at any time. They would not experience forgetfulness or memory loss, which would allow them to access previous knowledge instantly and utilise past experiences optimally.
  • Accelerated learning ability: They would be able to acquire and assimilate new knowledge and skills quickly and efficiently. Their learning capacity would be so accelerated that they could master different disciplines in much shorter times than contemporary humans, which would give them a virtually unlimited range of skills and knowledge, in conjunction with their extreme longevity.

Physical appearance:

  • Outstanding beauty: This living being would have an exceptionally attractive and harmonious physical appearance. They would have perfectly balanced features and proportions.
  • Chameleon-like adaptability: They would have the ability to modify their physical appearance according to their environment and needs. They could change the colour, shape, or texture of their body to blend in with their surroundings, which would provide them with an advantage in multiple scenarios.
  • Physical endurance: Their body would be resilient and strong, capable of enduring intense physical efforts without tiring or suffering injuries. They would have developed musculature, resilient bones, and exceptional pulmonary and cardiovascular capacity.


  • Telepathy: This living being would have the ability to communicate directly with the minds of other living beings, not only with others of human origin. They could transmit thoughts, emotions, and ideas without the need to use verbal language, enabling deep and empathetic communication.
  • Telekinesis: They would have control and manipulation of physical objects through the power of the mind. They could move objects from a distance, levitate, manipulate elements, and perform physical actions without the need for direct contact.
  • Elemental manipulation: By controlling and manipulating natural elements, this being could generate and direct physical elements at will, giving them significant power over their environment.

Ethics and empathy:

  • Universal compassion: This living being would have deep empathy and compassion for all living beings. Their compassionate nature would promote peace, harmony, and wellbeing of all species, actively working to prevent suffering and promote equality.
  • Balanced wisdom: They would possess profound knowledge that they would use for the wellbeing of all living beings and the care of the environment. Their balanced wisdom would allow them to make informed and ethical decisions, considering the long-term consequences of their actions.
  • Moral responsibility: They would have a highly developed ethical consciousness and the ability to make fair and ethical decisions in all situations. They would act responsibly and considerately, prioritising the common good and the preservation of ecological balance.

domingo, 22 de enero de 2023

Sjaella Vokalensemble - Northern Lights

Pulchra es amica mea,
suavis et decora filia Jerusalem,
Pulchra es amica mea,
suavis et decora sicut Jerusalem,
terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata.
Averte occulos tuos a me
quia ipsi me avolare fecerunt.

domingo, 15 de enero de 2023

No por antes madrugar antes amanece más temprano

Lo más triste de los coches autónomos será todas las veces que los ocupantes fallezcan a mitad del viaje y cuando lleguen tus invitados a la cena o el repartidor de comida, estos sean cadáver. 

La aparición de estos casos llevará a la invención de sistemas de monitorización del estado de salud  de los ocupantes dentro del vehículo, que, en caso de emergencia, redirigirán el coche al hospital o al tanatorio más cercano.

- "Ha llegado a su destino".

- "Pero... estamos en una morgue, esto es muy incómodo".
- "Por supuesto, señor, el algoritmo de optimización de rutas ha sido actualizado y lo trajo aquí cinco minutos antes de lo que el monitor de salud esperaba. Vamos a dar una vuelta a la manzana y olvidar que esta embarazosa situación ha ocurrido".